Sunday 1 September 2013

birthdays and a time of day pondering

This week has been difficult training wise; I did my 45 miler on Monday, then my version of cross training on Tuesday, 2 hours dancing. Dancing is my other passion, I’ve been doing it since I was 4 and, every time I say I’m hanging up my jazz boots it takes very little persuasion to stick them back on again. At the minute as well as training for wales I am rehearsing for my 1st proper dance show in probably 18 years, and I’m going full whack as it’s a burlesque style, not wearing much other than heels kind of dance..... Diet starts tomorrow (again!) 

Wednesday was a nice 25 mile tootle with the group, who didn’t rip me too much about my no show on Sunday (even though I was expecting it!) we rode to Bosworth water park and back again- the only issue with these rides now is that the nights are drawing in so, we are either going to have to try to meet earlier or knock them on the head- which means........ The dreaded turbo will have to come out for evening ride urgh!

I’ve noticed that there is a marked difference in how I ride depending on the time of day and, what I’ve done during that day. I find that if I ride 1st thing in the morning, after a nice bowl of porridge and a cup of coffee I find my stride quickly and feel like I could ride forever. When I go out after work, particularly if I’ve not drunk much in the day it feels like I am going to run out of steam at the end of the road and, the hill leading away from town feels like Mount Everest. I am definitely a morning rider; I’m just surprised how much of a difference it makes. Lucky for me Stonehenge ride is all early starts! 

the end of the week wasn’t so good as far a training goes, Friday was my eldest daughters Jasmines 12th birthday, but as I was at work and she spent the day with her dad we celebrated Saturday with a day’s shopping, lunch in MacDonald’s and then off to a family BBQ at Andy’s cousins in Worcester. Which meant a 50 mile journey home at 11pm when I don’t particularly like driving on the motorway (Andy would say I am a nervous driver, not least when I missed the junction exit and had to then come back through the lanes, in the dark shrieking like a banshee when a rabbit decided to play chicken???) It was a lovely day, it’s nice to get to know Andy’s family but we were exhausted. Which meant when the alarm went off this morning there was no way we were going out. I don’t think we even discussed it, BEEP BEEP BEEP, Zoe turns it off, rolls over and snores!

We then took the kids out for dinner (double bacon burger and chips followed by crumble and custard, I told you the diet starts tomorrow) and family visited this afternoon, my youngest sister had made a cake, vanilla sponge topped with M&M's and encircled with Kit-Kats mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

There was a temptation not to bother to ride today, it was gone 5pm when everybody left and Andy was convinced it was too late. But with some gentle persuasion we decided on a 20 mile and, to do the Meriden run together (The reminder that he has a new techy toy in his Garmin to play with helped persuade him, Andy is a geek who loves his techno toys)
It was a nice ride, bit windy and the hills seemed harder than on Monday but we did it in 1 hour 20 minutes and climbed 1234ft over the distance so nice work out (not sure what that means to be honest, all I know is its lumpy in place!) I am sure the fact it was evening (and I had double burger and chips weighing me down!) made it harder. The Garmin didn’t play nicely to start with, apparently Andy hit a top speed of 69 miles per hour (he is quick but not THAT fast) but after a quick tweak in Meriden all was right with the world and, he is now happily sat staring a pretty graphs, charts and stats, like a kid in a candy store!
Now have an evening of chilling before work starts again, my plan next week is ride Monday, dance Tuesday, ride Wednesday and Thursday, rest Friday and ride the weekend. The only issue with this is that suddenly my saddle is uncomfy, of course 2 weeks before my big ride is the perfect time for it to start to hurt! Will see if it improves next week, if not I may have to purchase a last minute gel saddle. 

Thanks for reading, any tips are welcome! (If anybody can tell me how to post my map my ride stats that would be ace!)

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